Simplifying getting a summary for your scripts. I will assume you are writing script often and you want to be more organized with your scripts. When writing script it is always a good idea to make sure you have enough information about your code. Following example will demonstrate same end goal. in the example given below, when writing script within the scripts following notation is used.
#(1)_.Adding Vars
#(2)_.Check folder existence
#(3)_.Entering loop
#(4)_.Setting counter
after making sure script is built correctly , you can run below function to grab all lines includes pattern defined "#" and use can use it within the script to present summary information.
.NOTES #------------------------------------------------------ # Script : Untitled18.ps1 # Created : ISE 3.0 # Author(s) : (Casey.Dedeal) # Date : 03/07/2021 08:56:40 # Org : CloudSec365 # File Name : Untitled18.ps1 # Comments : None # Assumptions : None #------------------------------------------------------
.SYNOPSIS : Untitled18.ps1 .DESCRIPTION : Following script, .License : Open license .Limitations : None .Known issues : None .Credits : (Casey.Dedeal) .Blog : .Blog : .Blog : .Twitter :
.\Get-Sample.ps1 MAP: -----------
#(1)_.Adding Vars #(2)_.Check folder existence #(3)_.Entering loop #(4)_.Setting counter
#> |
function Function-Print-MAP { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Filepath, $pipelineInput )
Begin { }
Process { Try{
#(1)_.Check to make sure filepath exist If (!(Test-Path $Filepath)){ Write-Host 'CANNOT locate file' -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red Write-Host 'Script will stop' -ForegroundColor Yellow break; } #(2)_.Catch pattern $pattern = "#" $report = get-content $filePath -ReadCount 1000 | foreach { $_ -match $pattern } $report | Foreach {$_.TrimEnd()} $report $report | Out-GridView
$errofile = $($PSItem.ToString()) Write-Warning 'Error has occoured' Write-host 'Problem FOUND' $errofile -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor Black
} }
End { }
$filepath = "C:\TEMP\KFM-SET-Health-CHECK-V1.ps1" Function-Print-MAP -Filepath $filepath |
Azure Solutions Architect
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Azure Certified Security Engineer Associate
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