Lets assume you are going to do a migration for users home drives to O365 OneDrive for busines. Par tof your migration you plan to lift user data to cloud then you need to configure users local network home directorates read only for some time. The idea is to make sure after data migration, users can no longer manipulate their local network home directories. Reason you want to frustrate them to move away using network drives and start using ODFB for day-to-day work load. The script I wrote is just going to do that. While user has read only access to their network drives, they can copy and paste anything they like to their desktop and once this is done they will have full NTFS access.
Use the script as you like and make sure it fits into your needs. You may need to adjust few lines and if you need help drop me a message, will be happy to assist.
.NOTES #------------------------------------------------------ # Script : Set-ADUSER-ACL-READ-ONLY-ACCESS_V1.ps1 # Created : ISE 3.0 # Author(s) : (Casey.Dedeal) # Date : 03/24/2021 21:25:18 # Org : CloudSec365 # File Name : Set-ADUSER-ACL-READ-ONLY-ACCESS_V1.ps1 # Comments : None # Assumptions : None #------------------------------------------------------
.SYNOPSIS : Set-ADUSER-ACL-READ-ONLY-ACCESS_V1.ps1 .DESCRIPTION : Following script, .License : Open license .Limitations : None .Known issues : None .Credits : (Casey.Dedeal) .Blog : .Blog : .Blog : .Twitter :
.MAP: -----------
#(1)_.Adding log Vars #(2)_.Adding Functions #(3)_.Create Report Folder #(4)-.Get User Name #(5)_.Check AD user #(6)_.Run ACL Change
#(1)_.Adding log Vars $repname = 'ACL-NTFS-RED-ONLY-REPORT' if(!($repname)){
$repname = 'DEFAULT-ACL-REPORT'} $ACLRep = $RepServer+'-ACL-REPORT' $RepServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME $logname = $Repname+'-Log.TXT' $csvname1 = $Repname+'-Log.CSV' $csvname2 = $Repname+'-PROG.CSV' $csvname3 = $ACLRep+'-NTFS-Log.CSV' $traname = $Repname+'-Transcript.LOG' $pname = $rname+'-PROCESS-LogFile.CSV' $now = (get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss-tt-') $user = $env:USERNAME $desFol = ("C:\temp\Reports_\$repname\") $logfile = $desFol+$now+$logname $csvfile1 = $desFol+$now+$csvname1 $csvfile2 = $desFol+$now+$csvname2 $csvfile3 = $desFol+$now+$csvname3 $scrfile = $desFol+$now+$traname
#(2)_.Adding Functions function Function-create-ReportFolder{
Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$ReportPath) Try{
if (!(Test-Path -Path $ReportPath))
New-Item -Type Directory -Path $ReportPath -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$errormessage = $($PSItem.ToString()) Write-Warning 'Error has occoured' Write-host 'Problem FOUND:' $errormessage -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
} function Write-Log2 {
[string]$Severity = 'Information'
Time = (Get-Date -f g)
Progress = $Progress
Count = $Count
User = $User
Message = $Message
Severity = $Severity
FailedUSER = $FailedUSER
} | Export-Csv -Path $csvfile3 -Append -NoTypeInformation
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$UserName
try {
#(2)_.Add Access control vars $Rights = 'Read,ReadAndExecute,ListDirectory' $InhSets = 'Containerinherit,ObjectInherit' $ProtSets = 'None' $RuleType = 'Allow'
#(13.1)_.Start constructing/combining access control vars
$domain = "$env:USERDNSDOMAIN\" $AddUser = $domain+$userName $path = $user.homeDirectory
#(13.2)_.Start constructing system messages
$message1 = "(-)_.SCANNING:($userName)" $message2 = "(a)_.Applying ACL-NTFS FULL Rights" $message3 = "(b)_.Permissions modified:($Rights)" $message4 = "(c)_.File Share:($UserDIRECTORY)" $message5 = "(e)_.VERIFYING ACL changes" $message6 = "(f)_.ACL has been updated succesfully" $message7 = "(f)_.ACL updates has failed" $gmessage = '(d)_.Completed'
#(13.3)_.Start getting ADUser data here $userInfo = Get-ADUser -Identity $UserName -Properties * -ErrorAction Stop | ` Select SamAccountName,mail,HomeDirectory,HomeDrive
#(13.4)_.Construct User HomeDirectory into new var $UserDIRECTORY = ($userInfo).HomeDirectory $mess1 = "$userName Home Directory is NOT Configured" if ( $UserDIRECTORY -like $null ){ write-host $mess1 Write-Log2 -Message $mess1 -Severity Warning
#(13.5)_.Capture existing NTFS rights
$acl = Get-Acl $UserDIRECTORY -ErrorAction Stop $perm = $AddUser,$Rights,$InhSets,$ProtSets,$RuleType $rule = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList $perm $acl.SetAccessRule($rule)
#(13.6)_.Construct system messages write-host '----------------------------------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor white write-host 'Start Time:' -NoNewline;Function-Get-TimeStamp write-Host "($i)_.Processing:$UserName" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host 'ACL Permissions Summary:User home directory will be SET READ ONLY ACCESS' -ForegroundColor White Write-host "`t(1)_.User Name :$addUser" Write-host "`t(2)_.Permissions :$Rights" Write-host "`t(3)_.HomeDirectory :$UserDIRECTORY"
#(13.8)_.Perform ACL change and write to logs Write-Host $message1 -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "`t$message2" -ForegroundColor White Write-Host "`t$message3" -ForegroundColor White Write-Host "`t$message4" -ForegroundColor White
Write-Log2 -Message $message1 -Severity Information Write-Log2 -Message $message2 -Severity Information Write-Log2 -Message $message3 -Severity Information Write-Log2 -Message $message4 -Severity Information
#(13.9)_.Setting ACL now $acl | Set-Acl -Path $UserDIRECTORY -verbose -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "`t$gmessage" -ForegroundColor White Write-Log2 -Message $gmessage -Severity Information Write-Log2 -Message $UserName -Severity Completed
#(13.10)_.Start collecting changed ACL, perform verification
Write-Host "`t$message5" -ForegroundColor White Write-Log2 -Message $message5 -Severity Information
$acl = Get-Acl $UserDIRECTORY -ErrorAction Stop $rules = $acl.Access | ? IsInherited -eq $false $check = ($rules.IdentityReference).Value
#(13.11)_.VERIFY the ACL changes now; errors will be captured PSitem object if they accour , write results to log
if($check -contains $AddUser){
#(13.12)_.Provide Verify work status/Success write-host "`t$message6" -ForegroundColor White Write-host 'END Time:' -NoNewline; Function-Get-TimeStamp Write-Log2 -Message $message6 -Severity Information
#(13.13)_.Failed to complete ACl update,write results/log Write-host "`t$message7" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-host 'END Time:' -NoNewline; Function-Get-TimeStamp Write-Log2 -Message $message7 -Severity Error }
catch {
$Error1 = $($PSItem.ToString()) $Error2 = $($PSItem.Exception.Message) Write-Warning 'ERROR has occoured' Write-host 'PROBLEM FOUND' $Error1 -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor Black Write-Log2 -Message $Error1 -Severity Error Write-Log2 -Message $Error2 -Severity Error
} } function Function-Check-AD-User {
[CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String]$UserName )
$User = $(try {Get-ADUser $UserName} catch {$null}) If ($User -ne $Null){
write-host "Located USER:$UserName" -ForegroundColor Green
} Else {
Write-host "NOT FOUND USER:$UserName" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-host 'Script will STOP' break;
#(3)_.Create Report Folder function-create-ReportFolder -ReportPath $desFol
#(4)-.Get User Name $userName = Read-host 'Provide User Name'
#(5)_.Check AD user Function-Check-AD-User -UserName $userName
#(6)_.Run ACL Change Set-ADUSER-ACL-READ-ONLY-ACCESS -UserName $userName |
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Azure Certified Security Engineer Associate
Thanks for sharing such a informative blog on Cloud Security Remediation. Keep Writing.